Kumaun University Previous Year Papers| BA 2nd Environment Studies

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Kumaun University Previous Year Papers for BA 2nd Year : Kumaun University में अध्ययन कर रहे BA (2nd Year) द्वितीय वर्ष के विद्यार्थियों के लिए Environment Studies के Previous Year Questions इस लेख में सम्मिलित किए गए हैं जिसकी सहायता से विद्यार्थी अपनी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर सकते हैं । Kumaun University बीए द्वितीय ईयर के पर्यावरण अध्ययन विषय के विगत वर्षों के प्रश्नों को संलग्न किया गया है । इन प्रश्नों की सहायता से आप अपनी तैयारी को और मजबूत कर सकते हैं परीक्षा में जाने से पहले एक बार इन प्रश्नों को जरूर पढ़ लें ।

Overview of Kumaun University, Nainital Uttarakhand

NameKumaun University
LocationNainital, Uttarakhand
Courses OfferedUndergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma, and Certificate courses across various streams
AffiliationsUGC, AIU, NAAC, ACU
official websitehttps://www.kunainital.ac.in/

Kumaun University BA 2nd Year Paper Pattern

University PaperKumaun University,nainital
Paper TypePrevious Year 2023 Questions
CourseBA (PART-2) Second Year
SubjectEnvironmental Studies
ModeWritten Exam (offline mode)
Time Duration3 Hrs
Max. Marks50
Total Questions50
Types of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions

Kumaun University BA 2nd Year Environmental Studies Previous Question Paper Download

Q1. Afforestation is a method of:
(A) Soil pollution
(B) Wasteland reclamation
(C) Timber extraction
(D) Resettlement of people

Q2. Which is a renewable energy source:
(A) Coal
(B) Wood
(C) Minerals
(D) Petroleum

Q3.Kaziranga National Park is famous for :
(A) Elephant
(B) Bengal Tiger
(C) One horn Rhino
(D) Red Panda

Q4.The term ‘Ecosystem’ was proposed by :
(A) Ernst Haeckel
(B) C. Linnaeus
(C) E. P. Odum
(D) A. G. Tansley

Q5.’5th June’ is celebrated as :
(A) World Forest Day
(B) Tree Plantation Day
(C) World Environment Day
(D) Ozone Day

Q6. IUCN Stands for-

(A) International Union for Conservation of Nature

(B) International Union Council for Nature

(C) Indian Union Council of Natural Resources

(D) None of the above

Q7. Environment Protection Act was formed in:

(A) 1986

(B) 1982

(C) 1990

(D) 1980

Q8. Soil Erosion is caused by-

(A) Deforestation

(B) Over Grazing

(C) Land Slides

(D) All the Above

Q9. Hydrosere is the succession on:

(A) Rock Surface

(B) Water Bodies

(C) Land Surface

(D) Atmosphere

Q10. Energy flow in an ecosystem is:
(A) Multidirectional
(B) Bidirectional
(C) Unidirectional
(D) None of the above

Q11. The poor man’s timber is:
(A) Pine
(B) Deodar
(C) Sal
(D) Bamboo

Q12. Largest National Park of India is situated in :
(A) Gujrat
(B) Uttar Pradesh
MC) Ladakh
(D) Uttarakhand

Q13. The species which are confined to a particular area are called :
(A) Endemic
(B) Endangered
(C) Exotic
(D) None of the above

Q14. Which is not a technique of ex-situ conservation:
(A) Biosphere reserves
(B) Sacred grooves
(C) Wildlife Sanctuaries
(D) All of the above

Q15. Which of the following is related to conserve biodiversity:
(A) Sacred grooves & Biosphere reserves
(B) IUCN & Hotspots
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

Q16. Abiotic components of an ecosystem includes:
(A) Minerals
(B) Decomposers
(C) Temperature
D) Both (A) and (C)

Q17. Organisms of an ecosystem is categorized into producer, consumer and decomposer on the basis of:
(A) How rapid is their metabolism is
(B) How they obtain their energy
(C) The rate of succession in the ecosystem
(D) The size and complexity of the ecosystem

Q18. UDHR stand for:
(A) Union for Development and Human
(B) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(C) Unity for Developing and Hiring
(D) None of the above

Q19. Climax species in terrestrial succession is:
A) Hardwood trees
(B) Lichens
(C) Reeds
(D) Grasses and weed species

Q20. All are natural disaster except:
(A) Drought
(B) Deforestation
(C) Flood
(D) Earthquake

Q21. CEDAW is stand for :
(A) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
BY Child Education Development and
Academic Welfare
(C) Convention on Education Development and
Academic Welfare
(D) Choice to Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women

Q22. Humanisa:
(A) Autotrophic
(B) Heterotrophic
(C) Primary producer
(D) All of the above

Q23. UNEP stands for:
(A) United Nations Education Programme
(B) United Nations Environment Programme
(C) United Nations Economic Programme
(D) United Nations Energy Programme

Q24. State of India with maximum percentage of area under forest is:
(A) Bihar
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Uttarakhand
(D) Karnataka

Q25. Earth Summit 1992 was held in:
(A) India
(B) Italy
C) Rio de Jeneiro
(D) Japan

Q26. State flower and state animal of Uttarakhand is:
(A) Lotus and Deer
‘B) Brahma Kamal and Musk Deer
(C) Rose and Leopard
(D) Lotus and Barking Deer

Q27. IUCN Red list includes how much categories?
(A) 07
(B) 08
(C) i9
(D) 10

Q28. How many bio-geographical zones can be distinguished in India:
(A) 16
B) 4
C) 10
(D) 24

Q29. ‘Smog’ is a mixture of :

(A) Snow and Fog
(B) Smoke and Fog
(C) Snow and Dust
(D) Sulphur dioxide and Fog

Q30. Fauna and Flora terms used for :
(A) Flowers and Fruits
(B) Plants and Animals
(C) Food and Fruits
(D) Animals and Plants

Q31. Tehri Dam is built on which river?
(A) Alaknanda
(B) Bhagirathi
(C) Mandakani
(D) Dhauli Ganga

Q32. In the processes of succession, when each new invader to a habit makes the habitat a little more suitable for subsequent species, is termed as:
(A) Facilitation
(B) Resilience
(C) Tolerance
(D) Inhibition

Q33. Bio-remediation means removal of contaminants from:
(A) Soil and Water
(B) Water and Air
(C) Soil and Air
(D) None of the above

Q34. Which pyramid is always upright:
(A) Pyramid of biomass
(B) Pyramid of number
(E) Pyramid of energy
(D) None of the above

Q35. International Day of Forests is celebrated on:

(A) 12 March
(B) 21 March
(C) 5 June
D) 21 June

Q36. Dominant food chain in forest ecosystem is :
(A) Grazing
(B) Detritus
(C) Food web
(D) Both (A) and (B)

Q37. Largest dam of India is:

(A) Sardar Sarovar dam
(B) Nagarjuna dam
(C) Bhakra Nangal
(D) Tehri

Q38. Biodiversity generally.….away from the equator towards the poles:
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C) Remain constant
(D) Fluctuates

Q39. The causing agent of AIDS is a :

(A) Virus
(B) Bacteria
(C) Protozoa
(D) Parasitic worm

Q40. In an energy pyramid producers are placed in:
(A) Top
(B) Bottom
(C) Middle
(D) None of the above

Q41. Sundarlal Bahuguna was a famous :
(A) Ecologist
(B) Teacher
(C) Freedom fighter
(D) Environmentalist

Q42. ICDS is a welfare scheme for :

(A) Indian women
(B) Children
(C) Disable persons
(D) Society

Q43. Growth curve of human population is :
(A) J-shaped
(B) Parabola
(C) S-shaped
(D) Zig-zag

Q44. In India, Project Tiger was launched in:
(A) 1971
(B) 1973
(C) 1981
(D) 1983

Q45. The increasing rate of Population is affected by;

(A) Birth rate
“B) Death rate
(C) Migration

(D) All of the above

Q46. Miamata disease is caused by :

(A) Arsenic
(B) Mercury
(C) Lead
(D) Cadmium

Q47. The inherent ability of organisms to reproduce and multiply is called:
(A) C value
(B) Biotic potential
(C) Caring capacity
(D) None of the above

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